A friend and I were discussing how to write business books. We both write, speak and train for the corporate market, and producing thought-leadership material is immensely beneficial for our careers. His question to me was an interesting one: 'Where do I find enough corporate examples to fill a book?' The answer is: 'You don't have to.'

Jumping on the band-wagon and being ‘another one who’ tends to make you invisible as an expert. Can you see something original that can be done in the opposite direction?

Your workload has been astounding. It's felt like you're catapulting through your calendar, just trying to breathe. But suddenly, the momentum dies down, the clouds part, and you find yourself with an open week. Given that block of time, what could you do that might significantly propel your career goals? Professional Speaker and business author Douglas Kruger explores a simple way to maximise your time and effectiveness. Book Douglas as the keynote speaker for your next leadership retreat: www.douglaskruger.com.