It feels wonderful to be believed in and lousy to have your abilities doubted, and both scenarios are good for you. 

Being believed in gives us a certain freedom to soar; to act without reserve, to explore without consequence, because others have given us freedom and leeway. But there is equal, and possibly even greater value, in doubt. The doubt of others forces you to refine and to focus. 

Last week I worked with a new client. We had no history together, no track record, and the scenario was such that if I didn’t deliver a quality experience, her neck would be on the line. Understandably, she was nervous. 

After ten years in the industry, I take my own capacity to deliver for granted, which can lead to a lax approach. Her uncertainty actually spurred me on to deliver more than usual. Her doubt was a catalyst for self-reflection and even higher levels of focus and performance. I needed it and it’s been good for me. 

Doubt can be good for you too. It can anger you, annoy you, cause you to resent its source. But it also forces you to prove yourself and that’s valuable. 

When you lay you down to sleep, by all means, say a word of thanks for the people who think you’re God’s gift to the world. Then say a second word of thanks for those who don’t. They create necessary discomfort. They force you to force yourself. They can be the catalyst you need to become the greatest in your game. 

This week, take a moment to feel, at a deep and personal level, the effect that they have on you. Then go out there and show them!